Trakt Scripts (Import Letterboxd history, lists, save backup, delete watchlist)

:tada: Exciting News! Movie and TV Show Management Scripts Now Available :tada:

My Trakt profile:

Hi everyone! :wave: I’m excited to announce a new collection of scripts that I’ve created to help you manage your watched movies and lists between Letterboxd and These scripts can help you automate the process of exporting and importing data between the two platforms.

You can find all the scripts here: GitHub - nigeljorda/traktscripts: Scripts to make your life easy

Here’s what each script does:

  • Lbhistory: :page_facing_up: Export your watched movies from Letterboxd.
  • Trakthistory: :arrows_counterclockwise: Import those watched movies from Letterboxd into Trakt.
  • Lblist: :clipboard: Export a Letterboxd list into .csv format.
  • Traktlist: :inbox_tray: Import that Letterboxd list into Trakt.
  • Traktdeleter: :x: Delete all watched entries from your Trakt account.
  • Traktbackup: :floppy_disk: Backup all your watched data from Trakt.
  • Traktimporter: :arrow_down: Import a previously backed-up Trakt data file into your account.

Important Notes:

  • Lbhistory and Trakthistory are meant to work together. So first, export your watched movies from Letterboxd using Lbhistory, then import them into Trakt using Trakthistory. :open_file_folder::arrow_right::arrows_counterclockwise:
  • Similarly, Lblist and Traktlist work hand-in-hand. First, export your Letterboxd list to .csv using Lblist, and then import it into Trakt using Traktlist. :spiral_notepad::arrow_right::inbox_tray:

:warning: Warning: Actions like importing and deleting can’t be undone! I’ve only tested these scripts on my own account, and everything works fine, but I recommend trying these scripts on a test account first, especially if you’re importing data.

Bug Reports:

I’d love to hear any feedback or bug reports! :bug: If you encounter any issues, feel free to report them on GitHub. It will help improve the scripts for everyone. :+1:

Check out the scripts and give them a try! :smile:

:link: Link to the repository: GitHub - nigeljorda/traktscripts: Scripts to make your life easy

Happy importing and exporting! :rocket:


Here some updates v0.3:

  • Option to import and extract ratings from Letterboxd and into Trakt
  • For both importing history and lists into Trakt the terminal also gives which movies were not found on Trakt, since sometimes Letterboxd has TMDB stuff Trakt hasn’t (The Kingdom Lars von Trier is a movie on Letterboxd and a show on Trakt)


What makes my script a bit different is that I use TMDB IDs to match everything. I used some other Trakt importing tools in the past (Which are also good) but they matched through name. So for example Echo the Marvel series was matched to a random weird Echo movie instead of the show. Through TMDB Matching everything matches good. This is a personal project, so any suggestions will be taken into account, but I never no what I will implement, since time is costly. But I hope everyone is enjoying the scripts so far.


Importing big lists from Letterboxd when you are not VIP will probably not work. I don’t know the exact limits, but importing a 2000 movies Letterboxd list into a non-VIP Trakt account will give a 4** error. I thought the limits where this:

VIP Members

  • Unlimited lists
  • 10,000 2,000 items on your watchlist
  • 10,000 2,000 items on a personal list
  • notes on each list item

New Members

  • 5 personal lists
  • 1,000 250 items on your watchlist
  • 500 250 items on a personal list

Existing Members

  • 10 personal lists
  • 2,000 500 items on your watchlist
  • 1,000 500 items on a personal list
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Update v0.5

  • Introducing Easy tool for new users and people who don’t want to mark episodes as watched for each season. This tool is extra handy for people who watch shows with big seasons, this will mark everything as watched until and including the episode you choose.