Cinema HD login in issue

When I try to log in on Cinema HD, it wont let me. No matter how many times i hit log in, i get an error or some message .

Funny thing is, I was logged in to begin with, but it did not pull up my list of movies/shows. So i logged out to log back in, and now i cant

All of my stuff still shows on the trakt site

Any help please.
Thank you

Please contact the 3rd party app developer directly if you’re having issues.

Have you tried, on Trakt, going to settings - Connected apps and seeing if Cinema HD is still listed as having access to your Trakt account?
If it does, try and revoke access and then go back to Cinema HD and try to log back in to your Trakt account.

I read about doing this on another post and Cinemahd is not listed. I will contact them and see if this can be resolved. Thank you for your suggestion and have a great day.

This has nothing to do with cinema hd. Traktv is blocking it. Stop replying to every inquiry with this same BS reply that you know is wrong. Escalate this and fix fhe problem. It’s been going on for months and is unacceptable.

Please contact the 3rd party app developer directly. We’re not able to troubleshoot an app that we didn’t develop. We’re not blocking any apps, they would need to troubleshoot and see the exact error that is happening.

@chaka13 I use Cinema HD and have it linked to Trakt and do not have a problem.

It’s not a Trakt issue. If people join their Cinema Help & Support Facebook group, they can help sort it.

Cinema hd I cannot log into trait ?
Has anyone been able to get to the reason and
A fix for this issue ?

Look at the comment before yours. Join the dev approved Cinema Help & Support Facebook group as its not a Trakt issue