How does show/episode reporting work?

Where actually does report go? Does somebody review them? Weeks ago I reported, but nothing is happening

Months ago Friends popped back up on my Up Next list with three unwatched episodes. All three are definitely watched and three seasons now have one extra episode. I know for sure seasons 4, 7 and 9 have extra episodes, that appeared out of nowhere. All three of these seasons each had last 23rd episode of 44 minutes named e.g. Blah Blah, but now they have one more 24th episode of 22 minutes named Blah Blah (2), which is already included in that previous 44 min length episode.

Currently there’s no way to properly resolve this ourselves, because:

  • Either it’s on front page in Up Next
  • Or stats are wrong if we mark these episodes as watched

I see two possible solutions:

  1. Delete these episodes
  2. Make previous episodes 22 minutes in length

I really hope this will get resolved rather sooner than later, because it’s really annoying to see I have unwatched episodes, when they are definitely watched

And I also hope someone is actually reviewing the reports, but I’d love to get at least some feedback on what’s happening with the submitted reports

All of your reports and their status can be viewed at Yes, we have a dedicated moderator who reviews all these reports and fixes hundreds of reports each day.

With Friends specifically, we have those paused while we figure out if the recent TMDB reshuffling is permanent or not.

Oh, it’s in settings. Good to know :slight_smile: Thank you :pray:

Any idea how long it might take? It’s been two months since the reports. And even longer since these episodes appeared

And I now double-checked - seasons 4, 5, 7, 9 and 10 have this issue

Even more episodes appeared as unwatched :frowning: Should I report those as well? Previous reports have been paused for a while now and situation is getting worse :confused:

Did the episodes get added again to TMDB?

Hey @justin, sorry to revive this, but I just checked TMDB and all listed seasons (4, 5, 7, 9, 10) have 1 episode less than Trakt does. So it appears these extra episodes were never removed. I think I tried refreshing data, but not sure if it’s for actual episodes check. Can it be fixed?

Ping @justin :slightly_smiling_face: Any way to resume paused reports?

Our moderator goes back through paused reports once we either make a decision or the data has updated to compete the report. We will discuss Friends again, but that does seem good they have settled on a data structure.

What’s the situation? I see reports are still paused :confused:

Hey, @justin

I realize you must be quite busy, but is there any way to resume reports? There are 5 seasons now for almost a year with wrong episodes list :confused:

@Sonply :tada:

The reports on that show are still paused because we are deciding what to do in those cases. It would be bad if we merged those episodes, only for TMDB to change their minds and split them again. So we need a different solution.

You can’t resume paused reports because the answer on why they are still not resolved is usually the same.

But it’s been fixed on TMDB for almost a year now :confused: Are you trying to think of some local solution independent from them?