No Images On Mobile Browser Back Button

The last several weeks I have noticed when I use the back button on the iOS version of Microsoft Edge, all the images are gone. Similar behavior is happening on mobile Safari. I find myself reloading web pages to get them to show up.

What could be going on and is there anything I can do to fix it?

Sounds like a rendering issue, have you tried another browser?

Yes. It’s all browsers on iOS, but they all use the Safari rendering engine.

I’ve had this same issue for about two weeks now, and I use the website exclusively (the native apps are lacking compared). Something did change, because now I seem to have to refresh all different pages to get images to show up.

I pushed a potential fix for the image loading. Please let me know if it’s working now.

Yes, it seems to be fixed. Thanks.

Yep, seems better for me as well. The fix also seems to have affected the “Watch Now” section on individual show/movie pages too. In the past those would be empty buttons but colored correctly…for instance, black but no AppleTV logo or Yellow but no Amazon logo.

Now all images seem to load correctly now.

Yeah, there was an issue with lazy loading the images.