Recent time filter

I’ve realized that there’s an inherent problem in the normal way of rating movies and shows. The older it gets the less accurate the ratings become. Of course, some movies or shows hold up many years later and provides the same experience as when it came out, but a lot of them do not. Something released and rated 15 years ago might have a higher rating than it deserves today. Times change.

My suggestion is to add some kind of recency filter that shows popularity, rating and plays representing only from today and a certain time back, for instance the last year, two years, five years, ten years or something similar. It could be something for /movies /shows filters or something to be site wide in settings. Not sure what would be the best. What do you think?

What about using advanced filters to limit the years you want to see?

For example, popular movies released in 2010 - 2015 – Popular movies - Trakt

Oh, no, then I wasn’t clear enough. I basically want to achieve the opposite of that. I want recent ratings on old things. I want to know if something released way back has high ratings because it was good at the time or because it is still something worth watching for the first time today.

Well all of the ratings are from the last ~12 years because Trakt has only been around that long (I think). I don’t think we’ve really seen that much change over that time to have the kind of shifts in perspective you are talking about. There are some things that felt new and innovative and were quickly emulated (the action style of John Wick or the animation style of Spider-Verse for example) and lost some of their luster, but I’m not sure a recency filter on ratings would separate that out well.

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Ok, I see and that makes sense. The popularity is currently using all data (as you know) and we re-calculate that on an ongoing basis several times per day, per item. If we were to bracket it based on time, that would require similar ongoing calculations which will add up to a lot more data crunching. We’d likely need to do several different time periods too, so I’m not sure we can add this due to all the extra server time involved.

A not insignificant amount was probably imported from another service, and some ratings were probably added when joining trakt but based on memory. But this is just speculation of course.

Alright! Back to the drawing board to see what else I can think of :smile: