Just a (for me, at least) brief note this time from right off the top of my head:
Being the shameless Trakt fanboy that I am, reading your published release notes is a small treat I permit myself in those rare moments when I’m not trying to accomplish the sixth task in a day with only enough hours for five. I wish I was better able to keep an eye on them than I’m usually able to, in fact.
I know you guys offer the email notifications for them, but could I put a bug in your ear to perhaps whip up an RSS/Atom feed as an alternative should you ever have a few minutes to spare? I know how passé such feeds have become in recent years…but really, what could be better suited to buttressing one’s sanity in this crazy attention-based economy we find ourselves in—or more quaintly genteel—than some “pull” notifications for a change?
Get out of jail free card
I’d totally understand, though, if you don’t see sufficient value-add in it to merit a spot on the roadmap; I once received just the emoji to a similar request in the past and have since made peace with my inner sauropod, LOL.
That’s all from me this time around, though I have been wanting to say that the latest site redesign has been a total hit with me (once the initial shock faded, naturally). I’ve been too buried lately to have seen much of the reaction to it here, but I hope it was one of those rare frontend rollouts that avoided most of the usual histrionics. If not, perhaps it can be some small consolation that I decided long ago if there should ever be a fantasy league for frontend devs, Trakt will be batting cleanup for my team.
As always, with warmest regards,