- Month in Review & Year in Review – Now available in your Profile and the burger menu on the main screen’s top bar for easy access.
- More Organized Settings – Streamlined actions and sections for easier navigation.
- Improved Notifications UI – We’ve reorganized some settings for a smoother user experience.
- You’ll now be prompted to enable notifications during login or when next launching the app if you’re already logged in.
- VIP Subscription Screen Update – Adjusted actions for better clarity.
- Fixed a rare issue that sometimes prevented user-specific content from loading correctly after refreshing the login session.
- Updated the Younify SDK with some bug fixes.
- Episode Calendar Notifications will no longer display episode titles if your spoiler settings are set to hide them.
- Fixed the Delete Account settings link to reflect its updated website location.
Note: These are the changes since iOS 2.4 (767) and don’t include some of the beta changes such as the session adjustments in [Beta] Trakt iOS 2.4.1 (785)