More rating options

More rating options would be great, I personally would love the ability to rate different languages (voice acting).

And just so there is no confusion…
I don’t mean the ability to rate every voice-actor on their own.
As for this you not only would need to have a datasource with the proper information on voice-actors (which to my knlowedge TMDB doesn’t provide). You would also have to add an additional entry for every voice-actor and, first and foremost, you would also obviously need the ability to rate people (actors, directors, composers,…)…which isn’t even a thing right now.
(However rating people on there performances might also be an interesting idea. I mean that’s what awards are all about.)

For me it would be sufficient to rate the different language versions e.g:

  • The Hunger Games: I prefer German over English.
  • Star Wars: I prefer German over English, especially because most characters have the same voice-actor for live-action and animation (allegedly the voice-actors where obligated to do so)
    • English:
      • (Adult) Anakin Skywalker (Animation) is voiced by Matt Lanter
      • (Adult) Anakin Skywalker (Live-Action) is played (voiced) by Hayden Christensen
    • German:
      • (Adult) Anakin Skywalker (Animation) is voiced by Wanja Gerick
      • (Adult) Anakin Skywalker (Live-Action) is voiced by Wanja Gerick
  • Rick and Morty: English over German (I like English much better than German in this case…even after they had to change the English voice-actor)
  • Black Clover: I only watched the German version, but this always made me question the comments about “Astas annoying screaming”.

Secondly…since we have Trakt official lists.
I would love to not just “like” a particular list but to actually rate them e.g.:

  • Different parts of a franchise: MCU - Phase 1, Star Wars - Skywalker Saga
  • Or a franchise as a whole: MCU, Star Wars, The Wizarding World, Middle Earth…

This would also be interesting when considering language ratings from above.
As an example: (again) I prefer the Star Wars (Franchise) in German, because most characters have the same voice-actor for live-action and animation.

Additionally…tying this with calculating ratings from bottom to top. Thus, there would be no requirement but still the possibility to set a rating for every entry, and even if you only rate one episode if influences the subordinate entries (see

  • Episodes → Season → Show → Phase / Saga → Franchise
  • Movies → Trilogy → Phase / Saga → Franchise