Hi, it appears that a few users are rating recently released foreign movies and shows with a score of 1.
Could you consider the following solutions to counter this frustrating process?
A) May ratings not display under 10 votes?
B) To rate a show or a movie, the pilot, any other episode or the movie should be set as watched first.
C) Accounts with low average ratings to be investigated?
It’s a lot more than just a few. Although I don’t totally agree with you…users have the right to vote/rate how they wish. If we started putting rules on little things like that…might as well just remove that ability. You don’t want that though do you?
I do agree with B. I often see shows or movies that haven’t even released yet that have bad reviews.
Also, think about this. Trakt uses the rating system(s) to help with recommendations. I’ll rate a genre much lower (for instance Anime) because I get tired of seeing those in my Recommendations. Or, shows/movies from China that do not offer English subtitles or dubs…because I can’t understand it.
Yeah, I understand that part…they should have rating turned off for shows/movies that have not released yet. If they can prove it…because some do get released to a small/select audience weeks or even months before their major release.
Hey Terry,
I understand that my suggestions may be drastic.
On the other hand, shouldn’t we only rate what we really saw?
Not all Belgian or French shows can be as bad as “1 - weak sauce because” there’s no dubbing.
Better then to have a way to set you are not interested in a certain genre than pulling the ratings down for Chinese movies because the recommendation system is eventually suggesting these foreign movies too often.
But isn’t that one of the “criteria” that all critics use? If I can’t watch a movie/show because of their limitation of languages…I’m going to rate it lower just based on that.
Trust me, I watch a crap ton of movies and shows…so I don’t rate all Chinese movies (or better yet, Asian) low. I know this isn’t anywhere near a “professional” rating system…but it’s still something I consider.
Plus, like said above, I agree that movies/shows shouldn’t be able to be rated if they aren’t released yet. But once they are…they are fair game. It’s a right we are given and not eveveryone is going to agree.
It’s a right yeah! but I believe it has been abused somehow 
As it impacts more my own recommendations and movies/shows I could miss as French/Dutch content will rarely get more than 100 votes (if not on Netflix).
e.g. 1985 - a decent Belgian show, I remember the first votes were a few 1s and 70 votes later it’s rated 72%.
We may not agree but I still hope for a solution
or a personalized score.
You could always use the search functionality, and then use all the custom filters to bypass bad ratings.
Couldn’t find how this could be possible with the filters.
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Search results have nothing to do with ratings. So you can set up your custom search with the appropriate filters and save that. It’ll stay in your sidebar if you save it.
There’s no way to bypass or filter out bad results then.
I’ll leave it here. For me ratings should only be used to rate a watched movie/show/episode, and the recommendation system or the scores complexity should be reviewed then to avoid this issue.
Happy to make you laugh! You should try French comedies.
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I’m laughing because of all the horrible things going on in the world, you just won’t let this go. I’m just going to remove myself from this thread now.