Add option to "Calculate Up Next" Progress setting: "Oldest episode not watched"

The Calculate Up Next setting only has two options: “Last episode watched” and “Last episode aired”. The use case for my suggestion has happened on two of my shows, which are not really linear. I started a rewatch of Bluey and saw a few season 1 episodes. Then I watched a season 3 episode. Now my Next Up has skipped all of the rest of the season 1 and 2 episodes and says 3x03 is my next up, but I would rather it show my next S1 ep I haven’t seen yet. Similar thing with Last Week Tonight, which I missed a couple seasons of. I saw the most recent episode, and now my Next Up says last week’s episode is next, but I would prefer if it listed the oldest episode from a few years ago that I haven’t seen yet. Obviously I can click into the show and season and look myself but the Next Up is quite convenient and useful to see the next episode from a glance.

I think this setting would be really useful for these kind of non-linear shows where you can watch from oldest to newest but also hop around and watch more recent episodes on a whim without Next Up losing your place. (Star Trek or Simpsons come to mind)

PS The existing feature requests link in the pinned comment is broken, just fyi. Apologies if this suggestion is already in there.


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Well… usually that’s what reset progress is for I’d say. Cause when you get to s3 again you’d watch it again I imagine. But if it’s not “lineair” and you choose not to watch the airing order….

Doesn’t it show the “correct” episode again after watching a season 1 ep again. Because it calculates it based on last episode watched as in whatever you watched before it’ll show the next unwatched episode.

But if you skip around series like that up next will just really work. It won’t show the s3 episode after s1e4 for example. And sometimes you just gotta go to all episodes and leave that tab open or something. Be creative :smiley:

That’s how me and my son are watching Sesame Street, completely randomly (usually based on the first full episode I find on their YouTube channel that day).

If you leave shows like that in your Up Next/Progress pages, it will never always show the oldest unwatched episode. It will always show the next unwatched episode in relation to the last episode you marked watched.

If you’re watching episodes at random on purpose, that’s effectively unhelpful. I just drill down into the show’s page whenever I want to add another watch. More effort, but that’s the cleanest way to do it without them writing a lot of code to accommodate random watch orders.

…And how would they? The site could never predict which episode you wanted to watch next, just randomly suggest a random episode. Which would be cool, but again, seems like a lot of work for something that would get used by only a handful of people.