Hi. Currently the “hide completed” filter from the progress page seems to be remembered by cookie or session information. However, this does not seem to be remembered well and more often than not the filtering is reset and completed shows are displayed (had the “problem” on iOS, android but mostly using browser). Since the progress page would make more sense without those shows (they are completed so showing progress isn’t very relevant), would it be possible to have this filter has a server-side setting (https://trakt.tv/settings) under “watched progress” section?
Not very major but having to reselect the same filter again and again is kinda boring.
It changes based on where you are coming from on the site. If you are going directly to the page which will load it with the filter off. Or if you click the Progress button on the dashboard from the Up Next section it will load with the filter on.
Thanks for the answer but not great UX-wise. I’ve bookmarked the progress page (because it’s mostly what I use on a regular basis) so I would need to bookmark the dashboard then click on progress which is an additional useless step for my usage. Maybe query args should be allowed to achieve that (along the lines of trakt.tv/users/ … /progress?filter=“completed”). Right now, it’s just the set cookie param of filter-hide-progress-completed → “true”