Collection Metadata Options for Image Scaling

Could we get an option for the type of image scaling when selecting metadata for collection items?

Resolution Quality:

  • Native
  • Upscaled
  • Native w/ Filters
  • Upscaled w/ Filters

(Filters referring to cosmetic “enhancements” such as DNR, AI Upscaling, Facial Touchups, Autocoloring, Image Smoothing, Interpolation, etc.)

Given that a majority of 4K releases and remasters are often times upscaled, it would be really nice to sort through our collections to show only the native releases.

This would also be very useful for a lot of content from the pre-HD era that was rendered only in 480p but later got upconverted to 1080p for BluRay/streaming releases.

I really doubt that information is stored anywhere in TMDB. Trakt is used for tracking movies and shows. It doesnt trakt resolution based on what resolution you may or may not watch it in.

The request is specifically for the Collections feature, where the metadata is entered manually according to your own personal collected media format.

What about using the notes feature for each collection item?

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I personally use notes for quick thoughts or things I need to highlight/remember about the film, show, story, episode, etc. I’d rather not clutter the already limited character space in notes with additional resolution information when it could just be recorded alongside the other metadata.

Additionally, it would become extremely tedious to individually type and edit notes for every single item. Some collections have thousands upon thousands of items, whereas with metadata you tag multiple items in groups (seasons) with a couple clicks.

To add to why notes wouldn’t be able to work for this, AFAIK there isn’t a built-in way to sort/filter through user collections based on note context unless I directly export a collection from Trakt and, on my own, run the entire dataset through a custom excel function every time I want to filter it.

With it recorded as metadata instead of a note, there can be an additional option alongside the other metadata filters already built into Collections, giving users a quick and easy four-click travel to sort/filter an entire collection based on resolution scaling.

I think that having the additional resolution scaling metadata would be a no-brainer for archiving and collecting purposes. Especially for purists and enthusiasts looking to not only keep track of that information all in one place, but to also have the capability to sort through their collection rather than needing to go back to other third-party sites to figure out which of their items are or are not native resolution and which items are or are not “enhanced” with post-modifications to the image.

you keep saying “record metadata”. Trakt doesn’t create/make metadata, it pulls it from other databases such as TMDB, or FanArt, etc. You would probably have to persuade TMDB to allow that new metadata to be created. Then Trakt can import that in from TMDB.

I think you have the wrong understanding, so here’s a detailed resource to explain how Trakt Collections work: How to build your collection

Here’s the paragraph you’re looking for:

Oh. I didn’t even know that existed. Those options. Not that I would start using them but I see what you mean now.

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