Do I not understand how Rotten Tomatoes scores work, or is the display always broken?

For example, on Woman of the Hour (Woman of the Hour (2024) - Trakt) it shows 90% Rotten with the splotch icon.

But doesn’t 90% mean it’s good? or do 90% of reviewers say it’s bad?

I usually see a splotch or a tomato with a percent that doesn’t match. Is it just broken?

Perhaps this might help clarify,

This reddit post also explains it pretty well,

So why is there a splat and a “Rotten” if it’s at 90%?

I’m guessing based on the above info, because the majority of the reviews aren’t favourable, as in 90% aren’t positive

Looking around at how the scores work, that percentage is supposed to be positive reviews. And clicking through to Rotten Tomatoes for the example, the film seems highly regarded, so it looks like it’s a display bug in this case.

And I know I’ve seen that mismatched splat on other shows and movies also.

Indeed quite possible that it’s bugged, it’s quite a strange thing to decipher lol.

I’ll have a bug fix out later in the week.

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