Empty weekly DVD emails and TV Shows links

It would save our time and both - your and our - resources if empty emails were not sent at all :slight_smile: There’s not much use of such an email

Also it would be nice in weekly emails for TV premieres to have links not to a single episode, but to a TV Show page if it’s a show premiere and maybe to a season page if it’s a season premiere. At least I don’t see any use of an episode page when I want to see what this new show is about :slight_smile:

Thank you

Any info on this? Was this even considered? It really is very annoying to get redirected to an episode page instead of show, when it’s a show premiere :frowning:

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I missed this when you first posted, would have supported this. I don’t personally use the email notifications(planning to at some point) but I can see how this would be rather annoying.

Anything? :confused: It’s so frustrating to constantly having to click on a show link after opening a useless episode link

Ping @justin

I’ll have an update out this week with the show name linked to the show page.

Is the blank email still an issue?

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Last empty list received was on the end of February, so I assume it’s solved

Thanks for the update, can’t wait for direct links :slight_smile:

Yesterday received an email with titles and direct links already. Can confirm all is solved :slight_smile: Thank you!