Watch now streaming notification emails

I’m working on a new watch now email notification feature that should be available to test out in a few weeks. The setup will be similar to the calendar emails, where you select weekly/daily emails for show/movies/premieres on your watchlist. My thought is to limit this to your watchlist only to make it most helpful in discovering when items are available to stream.

I’m looking for feedback on the layout of this email and what would be most useful. Any examples or screenshots of other services you like would be helpful too.

Some ideas for the email layout:

  • All items just listed with the poster, title, and streaming links
  • Group by date (very similar to calendar emails) with the streaming links
  • Group by streaming service (item could show up multiple times under different services)

After thinking about it more, the item itself seems to be the most important. Here’s a mockup of how it will look.


That looks good and is a feature I’d definitely use! I would prefer to have the email sorted by date and not by streaming service since I don’t mind on what platform I watch a movie. Would this email only be triggered for streaming platforms I have access to, or for any available streaming platform?

It would only use your favorite streaming services you indicate at

That’s perfect!

This is out in beta now, please let me know how it works and any feedback. Thanks!

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Just noticed, I received the first email when I first set it up, and have never received another email since. I have it set to send once per week for TV, and daily for movies, and I set it up a month ago. Is there a quirk in it that I haven’t figured out? Or is it just not active yet?

I pushed an update that will hopefully fix this. I tracked an issue to having a favorite streaming service, that has been removed from JustWatch. Please let me know if emails start working again over the next week.

I think what I’m seeing over the past couple weeks is that the emails go out in response to the main watchlist, but none of the user-created watchlists. It looks like that’s intentional I believe? I keep movies in a separate watch list, so I don’t get any notifications from that watch list.

Correct, it only looks at the watchlist.

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