"Hide" Filters for Collection

From original author that later chose to be anonymous:

The other sections have the ability to hide the shows/movies/episodes, but the collections page doesn’t. It would be a lot easier for certain comparisons to hide rather than fade and have to scroll all the pages to see what doesn’t line up.

An example would be imagine you haven’t grabbed your whole watchlist, but you want to see if your collection lines up to your watchlist for what you have. If you could hide listed, then you could see what is left, but if you can’t, then you would have to fade and scroll to each page to look for anything not faded. You can’t do it from the watchlist page because it won’t show what scanned in incorrectly, due to items not being a part of the collection, yet. Hiding would be a fast way to see if something scanned into your media center incorrectly or if you forgot to watchlist something.

Thanks for any consideration.

I don’t think this really answers your question, but check out: How to build your collection. I don’t think you’re using the Collection feature as intended, and maybe not the Watchlist either: Manage your watchlist & personal lists

The collection is meant to be what you have available - physically or digitally - like a library’s catalog.

The watchlist is meant to be a list where you add things that you want to see that you haven’t yet, and then once you’ve watched it, it is removed intentionally from the watchlist.

So the question becomes, if the lists are being used correctly, would a hide feature make sense? (I don’t personally use the collection feature, but I’m not sure hiding something that exists in my library would make sense.). I’m interested in other opinions.

From original author that later chose to be anonymous:

I appreciate your response, but I think I am using it correctly for my style, as each person would have their own.

Let me show you a scenario where this would be useful.

Imagine you use something like Emby or Plex, that you put your collection into. In my case it was over 5,000 shows and 8,000 movies.

It then loads into the system if you use the right plugin or other means of doing it.

From there you want to see if your collection lines up. Since programs like this automate it and Trakt has a lot of duplicate listings if you dig deep enough (I have reported many over the years), the collection won’t always be correct. This means that if you go to watch something and have it sent through the plugin or webhook, it will actually be marked off as incorrect.

I solved this with myself by fading watched and watchlisted (I maintain a list to keep track, but others may even watchlist to use automation like Sonarr or Radarr). The problem is that fading takes much longer because you have to go from page to page, rather than hiding which would present you with a list of stuff in your collection that doesn’t line up.

Now I understand that not everyone uses software like either of those types. Some use the media software and some use the automaters.

It isn’t limited to just that. I would imagine if you are looking over your collection you might be like show me what I have watched or haven’t watched. If you fade, you will be scrolling pages to find this out. Looking for anything not faded.

Breaking this down to simple logic. Fade is much weaker than hide. There is no logic in having fade and not hide. Hide exists everywhere else and make things go much faster. It used to not exist in certain locations, like search for example. I did a crawl of thousands of pages while building up a collection years back, without hide.

I redid it all last year with hide existing. It was a huge difference in using the search. Having to scroll thousands of pages, then down to having to scroll hundreds or even dozens. Saved a lot of server load, too.

Now to be very clear, this isn’t hide for everyone, it is the simple ability to use the set of hide filters when looking over ones collection, instead of being limited to just fade.

Right now you can fade watched/unwatched, collected/uncollected (No idea why?), listed/unlisted, and rated/unrated.

So if you want to see any of those things, your only choice is to fade or see if you can scrounge a way to do it in the other sections, assuming your collection is exactly the same as your watchlist or something like that. It probably won’t be, which then causes you to want to stay on the collection page to look it over. The collection page becomes the more logical choice, but it is limited in what it can do. Too limited, in my opinion. It is quite behind the other sections.

I appreciate your response. I hope that explains it better. I’m just looking for a bit more parity between the sections.

If you own a movie and you want to see what you have not watched yet, hiding is much more effective.
Same for most of the filtering options.

The only use case is if you filter only tv shows. Collected shows if you have completely collected or not. Uncollected does nothing.

@justin Is this why the history/collection page does not have all of the hidden options?

Yes, server side filtering is more limited due to performance and caching reasons.

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From original author that later chose to be anonymous:
If you don’t plan to implement it or can’t, please delete the full post. No sense in keeping it around and having it take up visual space.

I would like to see this, but I get the feeling that not enough people use the collection feature in the first place, to see the value in using it. I find it useful to sort through issues with the list, like finding duplicate listings in Trakt that it is connecting to or when I forget to mark something as listed.

Once I build out mine this time around (Redoing my old one), I will probably drop it as well, since it fills out the calendar and there is no option to stop it from doing so (Why I stopped using the watchlist). That might be a good server resource usage saver, like when you did this for the progress page and the watchlist.

I just thought, if it was possible, it would be a good idea because fade is bad. It’s not useless, but it requires loading page after page to see anything that is or isn’t faded. It takes forever on big collections. I was doing it on thousands of movies and over 5000 shows.

Maybe someday you would consider some of these more hardcore server usage options, at a higher VIP price. I would pay to be able to filter all over and hide wherever I want. I would pay to have more API usage before it blocks it, so it doesn’t stop big collection uploads or TraktRater from removing some items here and there, while the stuff times out. These are things worth paying some extra for. At least I’m guessing for a few people around here.

I am getting better at using the main search to pull some of this stuff off, with it’s filtering. It still isn’t perfect, but it can get the job done.


Instead can we please leave it instead for future reference if this question pops up again? JMHO

I use the collection feature in this way and it bugs me that this filter is missing too. As my collection grows, when I want to go through and find something to watch that I own but haven’t watch yet but have to go through pages with only a handful of unwatched items on each.

I end up loading other peoples lists with thousands (or tens of thousands) of entries and then filtering out the uncollected and watched items, which I’m sure must have a FAR larger impact on the server.

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