Hide individual movies or tv shows?

Something I’ve been looking for is a way to hide individual movies or tv shows from the trending, popular or recommended lists… anyone now if this exists? Or how to do that?

It’s mostly because everytime I look at these lists, it will keep showing shows I’m not interested in, and it would be nice to just tag a show as “not interested in this” or something, so it will stay out my recommendations list for ever! :wink:


We don’t have a way to hide like that since it would be a large performance hit and essentially break the caching on any of those shared pages. However, you can use advanced filtering which should help out a lot. For example, you could hide all superhero films or hide shows older then a certain year. Will that work for you?


I get the performance hit… but would be nice though :wink:
Thx for the feedback!
