Add option in Filters to fade/hide Not Wishlisted

Often I will look at the community lists (1000+ movies) and I will hide movies I have watched and ones that are “Not Listed”. While I have a number of lists, my Wishlist is special in that they are the ones I want to watch “soon”. It would be nice to have “Wishlisted” / “Not Wishlisted” (or Wished / Not Wished) as available filters which would Fade/Hide matches on this special list.

Is Wishlist a custom list you’ve created?

LOLs sorry muscle memory; I meant the (special) “Watchlist”.

Basically a thumbs down or a permanent hide button to never show you that show/movie on any list or search ever again?

I’m down with this request!! And if we already have a show or movie on a list hide it as well! With thousands (millions?) of TV shows and Movies on TRAKT, it would really be helpful to say “Yeah, I’m never ever going to watch those, lets just go ahead and hide them so I can speed up my search process a bit”.

I think that would be an interesting use-case as well; but it isn’t my use case.

What I like to do is curate my Watchlist by looking at other lists and adding movies not already on that list … For example, I might look at the 1000 movies to watch before I die, and cherry pick out some I wish to add to my Watchlist … being able to hide the ones already on that list (as well as ones I have already watched) is what I was going for.

It is indeed an interesting feature request, to hide those items in a list that were previously added to Watchlist. It would be a very useful feature when looking over someone else’s list and one I could definitely benefit from myself as well. Upvoted!