Hide seen movies from the release calendar


Movies that were previously on my watchlist that I have already seen, still show up on the (future) calendar.
In the screenshot, I saw this movie last week at a local Film Festival before a broader release in December.

Is it expected behaviour to still show these on the calendar, maybe it’s nicer to have a cleaner overview?

There is also a small bug, when you open the list dropdown, hover over the close button and close it, the tooltip is not disappearing.

Well, now that I’ve given it some thought, it doesn’t make sense to hide it. You can go back on your calendar and see what you watched anyways. So you can just ignore my remark.

Next to that tooltip bug, found another one:
In your calendar view, on the left pane, select “movies” only and the calendar goes back a month. When you’re in that mode, also the previous en next months buttons act strangely and sometimes stay on the current month. Going back to “Shows & Movies” resets this behavior.

In case you don’t know, calendars have filters, and you can fade or hide things on them:

About the month issue, it is not happening with me. Can you give more details?

:man_facepalming: I knew there were filters but didn’t crossed my mind, thanks!

The month issue, I can replicate it on different computers. I do use Brave.

  • I click on Calendar from the top menu
  • I click on My > Movies in the left panel
  • The month suddenly goes 1 backwards
  • Clicking Next month does nothing, clicking previous month goes back 2 months