New Watchlist Filter Option

Would love to see an option on the watchlist filters to hide or fade items “without a release date”. I added all of the newly announced DC movies and shows to my watchlist, but it’s now pushed anything with a release date down to the 5th row of items. Hiding those items would be really awesome. If there’s another way to do this currently, please point me to it.

There is already a filter “hide not released”. Is that what you’re looking for?

Not quite, I want to see the not released that have planned dates so I can see what’s coming. Hiding not released obviously hides the upcoming releases.

Ok, I see your point. Let me look into this.

Cool, thanks! Let me know if you need more info/input

I’ll have this update out early next week. It will have a new Hide: No Release Date option for lists and actor pages.

Edit: this is live

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awesome! it works great!!! thanks for pushing this out so quickly!

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