Hide total ratings for unrated content

I keep catching myself letting other peoples film or tv show ratings influence my own initial suggestion. Funnily enough, there is a technical term for this, namely anchoring (cognitive bias). So if I didn’t like a film or tv show, I see the total rating and adjust mine. This permanently falsifies all film and tv show ratings. I think it would be great if you could set your account to hide unseen contents ratings. What do you think about it?

Second that, already made a comment about that in another thread but yeah, I’d like a setting where I can turn that option you described on and off.

You can do this already. :smiley: There is an option to blur ratings for unwatched content in the settings for spoilers. https://trakt.tv/settings#spoilers


OMG. Sorry for that :sweat_smile: From time to time I study the settings but I never noticed this one. Thx!

Update: I just tried that and this works perfectly for unwatched content. It would be much better to also blur ratings for unrated content because I now see the rating after watching a movie or tv show. The problem of being influenced of other peoples ratings still remains.


I can certainly understand letting others sway my rating, I did this too at one time. However, I sometimes read others comments and then if they are totally opposite from mine, in my comments I explain why I liked or disliked the movie.