I noticed the “Watching now” button has been added to the “When did you watch this box” recently. However, it sits as the first button and I’ve been used for so long to check the “Just finished” one. Also, I have never used watching now by hand (Plex does this automatically), so to me it’s a bit in the way, especially on mobile view and not so good for my muscle memory.
Would it be an option to hide this button via a settings toggle?
Maybe even make all options toggle-able. I mostly use “Just finished” and sometimes “Other date”.
In the meantime, I decided to turn on my content blocker (AdGuard for Safari) and add this as a personal filter: trakt.tv###popover820485 > div.popover-content:last-child > button.btn.btn-primary.btn-checkin:first-child
but that only worked for that particular show
Each show has a unique number apparently.
I don’t understand… I navigated the website, to popular movies and tv, and it was still blocked but then after like 10 minutes I went back to the homepage and the watching now is back… and then I added the same filter again and it was gone. This is so annoying. I really hope there will be a toggle for it!