Hide shows/movies from "Most Watched" boxes on profile

Certain shows with LOTS of episodes will always be “most watched” - as will some movies that get a lot of rewatches, such as holiday movies that get watched every year. It would be nice to have the option to hide these from the Most Watched areas of our profiles, just like other shows/movies can be hidden from our Calendar & Progress pages. That way we can have more control over what shows up as our “Most Watched” tv show & movie on our profile page.

Agreed. It would be nice too if we could choose between plays or time watched. With plays mine will always be Pokémon since it has more than 1000 episodes. But with time watched that would actually change, since I’ve rewatched a lot of things (that even rewatching 10 times would never have more than 1000 plays)


I also like the idea of choosing between number of plays or time watched, but even this would not always prevent some shows from dominating and always being “most watched.” Currently my most watched tv show is listed as America’s Next Top Model :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: but it was mindless entertainment that I had on in the background, not a show I’m an avid fan of, so I don’t really want it taken into account. But I still want to track it in my history. However, because it is a ~45min show with hundreds of episodes, it wouldn’t make a difference whether I chose to go by number of plays or time watched, it will still always be the “most watched” for my tv shows - unless I can hide it from being counted for this section. :slight_smile:

Edited to add: Just to clarify, I’d love to see both options! The ability to hide a show/movie AND choose to calculate based on either number of plays or time watched. However, since this might be a lot to customize on the back end, having the hide feature would provide enough “customization” so I can control what displays in those boxes. :wink:


Yes, hiding it would be the solution then. I would also like that. It would be very useful for the OVAs that I mark as movies since they have the accurate times that the specials don’t.
In my history there are a lot of 23 minute anime with lots of episodes so in plays that’s a lot, but once you look at time watched there are at least 2 shows that I have spent more time watching then those, so it doesn’t reflect my “most watched tv show”.

Edit: And yes hiding it would also be a solution for me. I just think the choice between plays and time is easier to implement (Not that I understand anything about that).

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This would also be good for news programs. My most watched shows are all news shows because they come on 5 days a week.


Good point! I didn’t even think of those since I don’t track them in my history. Those would add up quickly and REALLY dominate the Most Watched count!

I would really like to hide Spongebob from my most-watched haha.

It would be awesome if you could change it to be based on time watched as well. That’s very much needed.


I noticed all the comments have been about tv shows, which makes sense because those are the ones that really are not controllable because of shows with hundreds of episodes. But it did make me wonder if anyone wants this feature for movies just as much as for tv shows, or if everyone just wants it mainly for tv shows. Not that I’m advocating to change my suggestion! It’s just an aspect I hadn’t thought of before, so now I’m curious to know everyone’s opinions. :smiley:


Well I don’t really watch too many movies so to me it doesn’t really matter.
Most of the things I have marked as movies are either movies of the anime I watch or OVAs, specials that are released with the Blu-rays of them. I prefer to mark them as movies instead of specials because it has the right runtime, sometimes they are longer than an episode, sometimes they are about 5min (I also do that to increase the number of movies watched hahaha).
When I was younger I used to rewatch a lot of movies, nowadays I don’t think I’ve rewatched anything other than 3 Pokémon movies ever since I joined trakt. So I only have one play of each of the other movies and my profile shows some Pokémon movie because of this. Which is fine by me, I like Pokémon anyway.
I don’t remember how many times I’ve watched The Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter, but if I were to add those plays it would probably be one of them.
But there are people that watch a lot of movies, rewatch some they don’t remember or some that are just on some channel and if I ended up with The Karate Kid on my profile just because the cable channels here in my country insist on playing it I would want to hide it hahaha.
So no, it is not just you ^^

I guess it could be helpful for Christmas movies that I watch every year.

LOL, I’m glad to hear it! :laughing:

Yes, this was my thinking exactly. TBH, I don’t track rewatches myself, for tv or movies, so it is very easy for me to control which movie shows up as my “Most Watched” - I just mark a 2nd watch for only that movie, and that makes it my most watched.
But I was thinking since most people do track their rewatches, this exact scenario would make them want to have the option to hide movies from the most watched as well as tv shows. :smiley:

Anyway, thanks for the responses! It’s easy for me to overthink things, or miss an obvious more simple solution, so it’s nice to have others’ perspectives. :blush:

I’m personally against this idea. It’s a stat thing. If you don’t want a certain show to show up simply because it’s long running… then, don’t Trak it anymore… ANTM just has lots of seasons, if you do have seen them all, then yeah, maybe it’s you most watched show.

Sure, maybe hide something like, daily news whatever. (not that I would ever use that on Trakt. I mean, who’s interested in having missed episodes of a news show. You don’t watch old news…)

Maybe make a switch/toggle between longest total duration and longest episodes, but I don’t think it’s neccessairy to hide movies or TV shows.

If you want another movie or TV show to show up simply because you like it more… use the recommendation feature, haha. Or re-watch it a bunch of times (for movies).

@lifeiscrazy First I want to say thank you for the thoughts and suggestions! Like I said previously, I really do value others’ perspectives, so I truly appreciate the input and discussion. :smiley: I actually did think through several of the points you mentioned before I suggested this idea, and ultimately kept coming back to the idea of the “Hide” feature as the simplest solution. I’ve shared my thoughts below on the specific points/ideas you mentioned. :slight_smile:

This is a fair point, I realize it’s simply a stat, and in that sense it is what it is, and it makes sense to not try and adjust/“edit” it.

However, it is on the profile page, which is usually a place for things that you want to give a sense of your personal taste and favorites. Just because you liked a certain show enough to watch so many hours/episodes of it, does not mean it is really a good representation of this.

Perhaps the title “Most Watched” could be changed to more effectively communicate the idea of a bare stat without regard to personal taste/expression, but that would 1) be a bottomless debate, as people can interpret things endlessly differently, and 2) miss the point, because I think the desire to hide shows/movies from these boxes is really stemming from a desire for more accurate personal expression on the profile page, not only displaying bare stats.

It could also be suggested that these stats be moved elsewhere on the profile page, and the boxes be replaced with something like “favorite show/movie,” but that seems likely to be a lot more work on the backend than simply extending the already existing “hide” feature to also apply to these boxes on the profile page. Also, it’s already possible for people to see my favorites via my ratings and/or recommendations, so I like the different twist provided by the “Most Watched” boxes - I just want to remove shows and movies that really aren’t as relevant to my tastes.

So my thought was to suggest a simple solution that will give members the option for more accurate personal expression, with the least work for the Trakt developers. :slightly_smiling_face:

Additionally, it works for those who DO like that it’s a stat - they can leave it as is, and those of us who want to personalize it a bit more, have the option to hide the ones we don’t want showing up.

This kind of defeats the whole purpose of using Trakt, doesn’t it? I may not be ANTM’s biggest fan, but when I am watching it, I want to pick up where I left off, and don’t want to have to constantly be trying to remember what episode I last watched… hence I want to track it, just like any other show. :wink:

To my understanding, the recommendation feature does not affect these boxes. That could be an interesting idea for the future - to display our most watched show that is also recommended and is also highest rated… but again, that sounds like a lot more work for the Trakt guys, and something that would take awhile to get implemented. Seems like building upon the already existing “hide” feature is a much simpler solution. And again, it’s optional. If you like the way things are showing up on your profile as is, don’t use it. :wink:

This also seems to defeat the purpose of using Trakt. The point is to track what we watch, so if we’re suddenly having to artificially mark a show or movie as watched a bunch of extra times to get it to display the way we want, this completely goes contrary to the point of tracking our watch history. Not to mention this would also be very cumbersome - if I’ve artificially increased the number of watches for a movie to make it display as my most watched, but then I end up watching another movie more times than it (because of holiday rewatches, for example), then I have to constantly be adding more watches to the other movie to keep it as most watched.

Granted, I personally have already done something like you suggested for my own movies, as I already mentioned above (I don’t track my movie rewatches - all I care about is whether I’ve seen them or not - so whichever movie I want as my most watched, I simply mark it as seen twice), but I know I’m the exception rather than the rule. Most Trakt users like to track their rewatches, so this would be too unwieldy and also go against the purpose of tracking their watch history in the first place. So again, a simple “hide” solution seems to be the best.

Whew! So anyway, those are my various thoughts :slight_smile: If I’m missing something obvious or a better solution, I’m really all ears. It just seems like hiding shows/movies is the all-around simplest way to give customization to users who want it.

ETA: Grammar :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: