Please notify us of an issue by clicking the Report Show (Movie/Season/Episode/Person) on the show or movie listing. This allows us to sort and filter more efficiently and to automate parts of the update process.
To report a listing, click Report towards the bottom of the left sidebar of the Movie, Show, Season, or Person listing . Once you’ve clicked the Report button, select a reason on the reporting pop-up, and provide as many details as possible in the message box. If you’re reporting duplicates, please include the link(s) to the other listing too. If there are lots of duplicates, providing a link to those search results is also accepted.
Please note that at this time, the report function is only available on the website or mobile browser.
Reports in settings shows your reports and their statuses: pending, approved, paused, and rejected.
For more info on the metadata update process, check out All About Metadata.