Missing stats in 'most watched actors/actresses' section in Year in review 2020

In the new UI, I just noticed that it shows only top10 actors/actresses in the section ‘Most watched actors/actresses’ in Year in review 2020 instead of top100 like in the previous UI or in all stats.
I really enjoyed having these stats and would like to have them again.
Is it possible to bring it back?


Pretty sure that by the end of the first week of January 2021 or so, it will be back to normal. 2019 shows the normal UI.

Hi @justin!
Thanks for extending stats to top100 in the new UI. I noticed one small thing: user’s images are not loading after mouse scrolling in the section, but it is uploaded if use scroll in the browser(i am using chrome). Do you aware of this?
I think in old UI it was uploaded by clicking ‘See more’?

Were you patient enough? Is your internet connection/bandwidth fast enough?
For me they do load, if the profiles have pictures, although it takes a few seconds.

I just tried myself and while it has the same issue not loading, it loads the visible people if you scroll the main page… weird.

I have very fast internet so it does not seem to be that.

Ah good catch I think that’s the same for me indeed. I have a small screen on my macbook. It’s easy to think im scrolling the section thingy instead of the page hahaha

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I also created a ticket on the support regarding this issue and added a video

I found the bug and will push out a fix this week. Thanks!