Move to Follow/Unfollow/Not Following Status for Items

There is often no simple way to unfollow a series or movie. Sometimes you can hide a series but it has to be in a certain place and it’s not universal, including within the app.

It would be great if we moved to a simple follow/unfollow/not following status, where unfollow is an active choice, and no follow might simply be a null value. Unfollow would prevent the system from refollowing a series if you watch an episode again. Not following would be more of a status that indicates there has been no interaction with the series.


Great but that unfollow option should be that you have to put in active by yourself no automation please. I like the option but have many series that I can’t see more because i CANT find the missing episodes. In those cases I have hidden them and sometimes foldered them to a folder called hidden……
Best regards Steffe73

Exactly. It’s an active choice. You would also see the following/unfollowing/not following status on the series’ page.