Option to hide specific episodes/seasons of a show

I’ve come across the need for this on more than one occasion so I thought I’d suggest it (or see if it exists and I’m just missing it). I have several shows in which there are certain episodes and/or seasons I don’t care to watch, but hiding the entire show from my up next prevents me from seeing new episodes or seasons which I would want to watch. I think it would be nice to have an option to hide the episode/season specifically. Here are some examples where I can see this coming in handy:

  • skipping episodes/seasons of anthology series
  • skipping recap or reunion episodes in reality/comedy shows
  • skipping episodes you know you don’t like in a rewatch
  • ignoring seasons you missed of reality shows

To take this a step further: an “I purposefully skipped this” kind of button would be very cool. I can see this helping, especially for completionists who want their show progress to reflect more accurately (“I’ve watched 100% of all that I will watch of this show”, etc.). I’m sure there’s a lot more barrier to this option rather than just expanding the function of the existing “hide show” option, but it’s worth mentioning, I think.


Seasons can be hidden from the progress page. Click the Ø icon to hide any season. We don’t have a way to hide episodes currently.

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I have a use case for being able to hide individual episodes but not seasons.

Solar Opposites has last year’s Christmas special and this year’s Halloween special in the “Specials” season, not the season they were released with. The Specials season also has a “making of” that I don’t particularly care about watching. So I want to be able to hide the “making of” without hiding the whole season as I want future holiday specials to continue appearing.

Relevant TMDB discussion Christmas Special is 2x09 - Discuss Solar Opposites — The Movie Database (TMDB)

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