Multiple 500 Errors

Trying to use the Trakt API and getting constant 500 errors.

Examples of where I am hitting these errors:

  • calendars/my/shows/2023-03-09/33
  • shows/170649/progress/watched
  • shows/162050/seasons/1/episodes/10?extended=full
  • users/hidden/calendar?type=show

Any ideas what is going on?

Seems the API is a bit flaky, as some are ok, then error, then others are fine, then error then fine.

Yeah, i can not sync my viewingactivitiy with trakt, because nothing gets loaded from trakt. but api is fine via

Yer seems to be an issue, getting so many 500 errors.

Any better now?

Not on Universal Trakt scrobbler

Ok, I’ll need specific api methods and examples that are erroring out. All of the methods mentioned in the first post worked ok when I tested them.

Ok, it’s not an api problem in general, but it is a complete wrong series. But i thing it is not a trakt issue.

Was better yes.

Still having issues on portions though.

I would need specific examples from the API if you’re having issues. Would be best to post the complete API request, response, and headers at GitHub - trakt/api-help: Trakt API docs at so we can take a look.