New 50 Item Recommendation Cap?

That seems to describe what the feature already does? When you recommend currently, it asks you why and saves that note.

I think the confusion is because there are personal recommendations from a user and also Trakt recommendations that we provide to each member. The word “recommendations” without context seems to imply Trakt recommendations and that might be why the name change might make sense.

Even if renamed to “favorites”, it seems to accomplish the same thing that MyAnimeList has just with a different (hopefully more clear) name?

What I mean for a new type of recommendations is actually linking Item X and Y together. Like so:

It could appear like that on a new section on your profile, and on the actual movie/tv show pages it could maybe appear at the bottom, where the you might like X recommendations are now at. and if there are no recommendations use the ones currently from tmdbs related movies/ related tv API.

Myanimelist has it like this:

They also offer what Trakt currently has a recommendations: named favourites. Those are your (current) favourite 10 anime, 10 manga, 10 staff, 10 characters, 10 production companies. For paying members, you get to pick 20 entries per category.

I was a VIP for a month or three, so I have 13 anime as favourites :joy:

:+1: on renaming

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Any update on whether the plan is to rename this feature to “favorites” down the line?

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Posted this in a different thread, but since @lifeiscrazy gave me a hint. My idea:

I think Trakt is great. I use it for both anime and western shows. I do go to Anilist when I want to discover a new anime. Why? Because users can add a show recommendation to a shows page (Example: Spy x Family) and users can vote thumbs up and down (You have to be a user for 2 months or something) and so I can find a lot of really good anime which looks like the show I have searched.

Although the recommendations system has become better, something like Anilist would return much more better recommendations!


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