No longer possible to purchase VIP (1 Year) in-app?!

I’m considering VIP now that I’ve learned about the new free limits.

I see:
VIP (1 Year) $60.00

Listed among the in-app purchases in the App Store, but in the app itself, every time I click VIP, the only option presented to me is a free trial and a $5.99 subscription, which I won’t do.

Was the ability to purchase yearly VIP through the App Store purposely removed, and if so…why?

iOS or Android? I’m seeing 4 options in iOS. (Still shows the $99/yr VIP EP)

Thanks for responding! I’m using iOS.

I see the various items on the App Store listing, but when I click any “VIP” item in the app, it only allows me one option, the $5.99 one:

I wonder if a user must use the trial before the other options are presented, I hope the answer comes soon because it’s very important to me to align all subscriptions I have to the 1st of the month.

I’ll ask the developer about this.

For now, you can sign up in the website if you want to. If you don’t, please wait until a developer can check on it.

I’ll wait until a developer can check on it, even if that means I have to postpone subscribing until March 1st.

Thanks so much!

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The only option to initially sign up in app is the monthly plan. After you start that trial, you can go into the iOS subscription settings and toggle to a yearly plan. We’ve been experimenting with monthly only in app, but we’ll revisit if adding yearly back makes sense.

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