Not my rate in export

I am trying to export the CSV of a series I just finished watching and in the columns I don’t see the rate I have put per episode.

I find it interesting that it appears because my intention was to quickly get the episodes to which I have given the highest (and lowest) rating.

Thank you very much for your time.

Please post the exact url of the webpage where you’re clicking the csv export button.

Hi Justin!

For example, this URI:
pr1nc1p3’s episode watched history - Trakt

And these are the columns by clicking in CSV export:

watched_at action type title year trakt_rating trakt_id imdb_id tmdb_id tvdb_id url released runtime season_number episode_number episode_title episode_released episode_trakt_rating episode_trakt_id episode_imdb_id episode_tmdb_id episode_tvdb_id genres

No one is my personal rating only trakt ratings.

Thanks a lot!

You’ll need to view your ratings section, that export will have your rating attached to each item.

Hi Justin.

That could be wonderfull but I got 15,703 items rated and every time I try to make a full export I got a 500 error. Too much time loading. That’s why I was trying to get one single show.


Hi! Any suggestion for this? Html 500 error every time I try. Thanks

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Another Ping

You can append ?show=ID to limit the ratings to only that show. That should also change the export to only use that show.


With: Sign in to Trakt - Trakt

There isn’t MY rating information of each episode in the CSV exportation.

And I try this URLs and not filter the show:


I pushed a fix for the ratings page so this link works now.

The history page can’t contain the ratings, there is too much of a performance hit.


My only purpose was to be able to pass on to my friends the best episodes of a particular series. Thank you very much.

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