Not working

why cant i watch series on this app??? it says not in your region

Trakt is not for watching. It’s for keeping track of what you watch elsewhere.

Trakt does provide links to content providers via JustWatch.

This site is useless and stupid. Why would anyone need to keep track of what we watch else where? Just track what the person watches where they watch it.

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When you are referring “this site”, are you referring to trakt? If so, it’s extremely helpful. like most people, I’m sure you’re watching across many streaming platforms and tv stations, etc. there’s no way to remember where you left off if you say watch hundreds of shows. It would also be difficult to keep track of tv show premiere dates. Trakt does that well. When there’s a season premiere for a show you’re watching, it will show up in your up next to notify you there’s new episodes.