Option to Request Missing Content

I love using Trakt to keep track of everything I watch, but I’ve noticed that sometimes certain shows or movies aren’t available in the database. It would be great if there were an easier way to request missing content directly from the site or app. For example, a Request to Add button or a simple submission form for missing content would make it convenient for users to contribute to the database.

If any show or movie is missing from the database, anyone can add them on TMDB and import them on Trakt already.
Just copy the ID of the page on TMDB and in the footer of Trakt there is the option to import them.

For more information on how to do that, you can check these 2 topics:
How do I add a missing movie? - Support / Tutorials - Trakt Forums
How do I add a missing TV Show? - Support / Tutorials - Trakt Forums