Please don't force us to log in using Apple/Google or "magic links"

Do I understand correctly that soon we won’t be able to log in using username & password, but have to use Apple/Google or “magic links”?

Do you really want to punish users who are able to manage their credentials (for example by using a password manager) because some people forget their password?

Please don’t! This is yet another stupid step to alienate your customers…


Agreed. There’s a large volume of people who desire to have nothing to do with Google and their invasive tracking.

While I currently do use gmail for Trakt, limiting me and others to have to use one of 2 providers is insanity.


PS: I’d be happy if you replace username + password by passkeys! (discoverable credentials)


Yes. I hate this change too!


What!!! Now this is insanity!


If you really want to increase security, just give us the option to set up two factor authentication, using authy, etc.

Please don’t punish all of us by dumbing down the sign-on process.


This! (TOTP) 2FA has been requested over and over but that’s not it.


2FA via a standard protocol (TOTP) would be nice, but passkeys might be even better.


You don’t have to link your account to Google or Apple, you’ll be able to log in with a link or code sent to your email.

Yes, that’s what I meant with “magic links”.

I apologize for referring to yet another passkey article, but its section on magic links lists some disadvantages of magic links.


This needs to be an option, not the only way to sign in.

Signing in with a magic link is really annoying especially if you have a password manager and on mobile.

And oh my god yet another significant change being posted exclusively on this forum with no other notification. For signing in to your account to boot.


The change hasn’t been made yet.

I’m aware.

Yikes! Add 2FA and passkeys instead! This is gross. Why has trakt been shooting itself in the foot so many times over the last year or so?


Totally agree, i got the announcement that trakt will no longer use username/password but the hideous apple or google logins. Why ? do not do that. I support you with the change of theme and the bashing but here it is beyond logic.

Apply 2FA, do something else. why do i have to login with my google account (and why do i need one to access the site, yes i have one but others may not, or apple account) You are forcing people to go a path noone wants.

Please reconsider.


Uhhh… this is getting wilder by the day. Why kill on-site logins?

Edit: overwriting the displayname with other account data when signing in isn’t cool either…


OMG :man_facepalming: The stupidity continues


I don’t have a problem with Apple sign on. That’s how I’ve been logging in, but it’s weird that you’re making this change, but not offering 2FA or passkeys is weird.


Hmm. I do have a problem with Apple sign on. Because I use Google Drive for weekly backups, it has made it the default connection. I expect that you can only have Google or Apple connected one at a time and not both. Perhaps that is why it is not showing as connected for me (for Apple) when I try to validate the sign on. And because I use Google Drive, I have to have Google as the login as well…

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I have both Apple and Google linked. At one time I had my backups going to my Google Drive.