Prevent rating before show/movie has been released

Currently tv shows and movies can be rated anytime, but sites like IMDb or TMDB do not allow user ratings until after their premiere, which seems very sensible and prevents people both up or downvoting things they cannot possibly have seen.

An example is a new BBC show that does not premiere until next year: The Tourist - Trakt
3 votes. 33%. Even shows 8 plays. The only thing currently available is a trailer: BBC iPlayer - The Tourist Preview

Whilst I agree with your point be careful about stopping it all together as some shows are pre screened before their official release date.
Episodes of the Walking Dead (as an example) have been shown a day or two before their “official” airing time.
Obviously not as extreme as your several months example, but still before.

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This is at least the third thread I’ve seen about this on the new forums.

In my opinion this should not be implemented. Maybe on toggle to hide the ratings or something… but no, I wanna vote for stuff if I’ve seen it, regardless of the release date in rest of the world, or official release date (pre-screenings, test screenings, festival screenings etc)


I agree with @lifeiscrazy and add on to the fact that data including release dates are user contributed so data could be off by a significant margin at times.

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Imho this topic is pretty much overrated.
Does it matter to anyone if there have been 20 votes before a show or movie went public?

And they become statistically irrelevant immediately when others chim in with their greater volumes of votes.
Besides, who tells us that people voting after release have seen what they are rating?

So no, I don’t really consider this a problem that requires fixing. Or could ultimately be really fixed.


Well IMBb and TMDB has made it not possible to something that are not going to premier in several mounths. Because then are the raiting going to bee all wrong. So many people attacked an serie and when it had premier so was the rating really poor. So. I think that it would not be possible to rate something that not has been premier

Vote brigading can and will always happen, no matter what precautions sites like that take in regards to not allowing votes before release.

Take a look at this example at myanimelist, where a YouTuber got his followers to create accounts on MyAnimeList (or use their current accounts) and downvote the current most popular anime in favour of an ecchi/borderline hentai show.

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