Progress Screen Refresh Loop

Anyone else having trouble with the Progress screen getting stuck in a refresh loop?

When I navigate to my Progress tab the page is in a refresh loop. I tried restarting my computer, same thing.
I loaded up FireFox, logged in navigated to Progress, it had all my shows listed, I filtered out the completed shows, and same thing, refresh loop.
I then loaded up Edge, followed all the steps and it appears fine. Although, despite filtering out ‘Completed Shows’ it still shows two which are at 100% complete.

It seems a peculiar oddity that it is happening on Chrome and FireFox but not Edge. If anyone can shed some light on this, it would be greatly appreciated.

Is the refresh loop related to choosing the specific filter?

It happened when i filtered out the completed shows to only shows that stop have episodes to watch


Same problem for me since yesterday. On the progress page, if the filter “Hide completed” is ON then the page just refresh every 2/3 seconds.

I use Chrome on Windows but I tried Edge and Chrome on Android but I have the same issue. Clear cache and all doesn’t seems to help.

This should be fixed now, are you still having any issues?

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Order seems to have been restored.
Many thanks

It has also been fixed for me. Thanks for your quick support.