Remove Netflix from favorite services

Hello everyone.
Does anyone know how to remove Netflix from my favorite services? I don’t subscribe to Netflix and I want to remove it from my favorite services but I can’t. Although I haven’t chosen it as a favorite in the settings, it always appears there with an “AR” on the logo.
Can someone help me?

Click on “choose your favourites” then find Netflix, and click on it…so the tick mark is gone, then click done.

Oops sorry, forgot about the AR bit, didn’t see that on mine.

The thing is, I don’t have Neflix selected as a favorite in the settings. But it appears in the favorites with that AR on top. I don’t know what it is or how to remove it.

set your primary country to Argentina, then go to “choose your favourites” you’ll be able to remove it from there…then set your primary country back to portugal

It worked. So the AR was from Argentina… I have no idea how that got there!
Thank you so much for your help!

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you’re welcome, glad I could help.

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