Scrobbler for Australian FTA Streaming Services

Hey everyone, I’ve been working on this extension for a while for scrobbling TV Shows on Australian free-to-air TV websites.

It adds a small, mostly-transparent box to the video where you can check that it has identified the right show and episode, as well as for picking the right show (e.g. if there’s multiple international versions of a show, it should ask which one you mean).

It should work on 7plus/9now/10play/SBS/ABC, but it also comes with a toolbar popup to search shows at any time.

You can get it for Firefox or Chrome, or you can download the code from GitHub for the latest version.

If it finds the wrong show or you want to watch a show without it being scrobbled, there’s a button to disable scrobbling for that episode.

Let me know any issues or feedback you might have
