Trakt Scrobbler with Hama


Sorry in advance if someone already posted about it. I did try to search beforehand without success.

I’m using the Hama agent with Plex and the Trakt Scrobbler. I’m Plex Pass and Trakt VIP.
The issue I have is that all seasonal anime (currently airing) are not being scrobbled. Old anime are fine.

Thanks for the help.

I turned on some Plex debugging for your account. Once you watch an item that doesn’t get scrobbled, let me know and I’ll see what Plex is sending us.

Sorry, I just saw the reply today.

I watched 2 eps of Mashle on June 19th. Both plays were not scrobbled.

Let me know if you need something more recent. Thank you!

Still the same issue.

Watched Mashle and Oshi no Ko yesterday and they were never scrobbled.


Sorry, I didn’t correctly enable debug before. I just made sure it’s on now, so please watch one more and I should see what Plex is sending us.

No worries! I just watched Tengoku Daimakyou. Thank you!

Hmm, I still didn’t see any info in our debugging logs. Can you check the Plex console (filter for trakt) and see what responses you are seeing in there?

I have nothing in logs either…

Ok, that’s means it’s not sending any webhooks to us. Can you go through the install steps again to make sure it’s enabled correctly? I’d also update and restart Plex media server prior to doing the install steps.

Sure, just did it. But this is odd, everything else get scrobbled just fine? It really just affects seasonal anime.

I just srobbled 1 ep of Horimiya: The Missing Pieces - Trakt and i’m currently scrobbling Jujutsu Kaisen - Trakt (Season 02), no scrobbles.

Do old shows scribble? Something like bleach?

I read here that the AniDB hama thing needs to be manually updated. Which it probably isn’t.

Yes old shows work fine. I did update HAMA when I started noticing this but no luck.

Maybe you’re using the old Trakt plugin and not the newer web hook?

No i’m using the official webhook from here :slight_smile:

It should be showing up the Plex logs, I’m curious what error codes it is putting in the logs.

Finally some logs!

[Req#6c7e/HCl#182] HTTP requesting POST
[HttpClient/HCl#182] HTTP/2.0 (0.6s) 404 response from POST
[Req#6c7e] Webhook: Error delivering payload to 404

Ok, good to confirm it’s setup correctly. Please DM me the scrobbler URL so I can look up the account using that and turn on debug.

So as I said, seasonal anime don’t scrobble but yesterday I watched Helck - Trakt and oddly, it was scrobbled. :open_mouth:

I’m still not capturing any debug events from Plex even though I’ve made several changes that should allow it to come through. We sent a 404 if the item isn’t found in Trakt, but it’s also possible a 404 is thrown if your Plex media server isn’t able to contact the Trakt service for some reason. Any network level things like a VPN that could be affecting it?