Show IMDB / Metacritic / Rotten ratings

What is the way of showing / seeing these ratings, after I checked the option to be shown?


You should see them on show level pages (for series):

And also on movie pages:

I donā€™t think they show up on search level (Iā€™ve not noticed it at least), but you can filter search results based on those ratings!

If you donā€™t see them on these specific pages, try disable adblockers or others extensions. It might be one of them thatā€™s blocking it from showing up.

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It was the adblocker, indeed. Thank you!

Good to know! I disabled my adblocker long ago for Trakt, because when VIP, thereā€™s no ads. And I donā€™t come across many annoyances, if at all! :slight_smile:

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Is there any special reason why Rotten ratings are shown only for movies?
Thanks in advance.

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I have this question too for Metacritic ratings as well.