Sorting of search results

Hey there,

Since the search feature is so powerful in listing for instance all movies that I have listed but not yet seen, currently on my streaming services, I feel like I have to suggest a natural improvement in order to make it perfect.

Please allow me to sort the results :slight_smile:

Best regards,

Just realized this again and found that I already created this topic :slight_smile:

While screening for movies or shows, being able to sort the search results would be so powerful!

Results are sorted by the “score” which finds things most relevant to the search term you used. You can also sort by “year” by choosing that in your settings.

In general, we suggest choosing another section as the starting point instead of search to set your default sorting. For example, start with popular movies then apply your advanced filters there. Does that work?

The main problem, for me, is that I can’t sort movies or shows based on rating. Adding that as an option to Trending, Popular, Recommended, etc. would solve my specific need. I honestly think that option is missing in general anyway, since all other movie sites are focused on rating :slight_smile:

The tough part with sorting by rating is items with one vote and 100% will show up first. The popularity algorithm uses the % percentage rating and the vote count to determine the popularity.

Of course, but then I can use the filter to remove results with less than X votes :slight_smile:

@justin Will you ever fix the popularity algorithm? It’s heavily weighted towards vote count to the point of being almost worthless. For example, Suicide Squad has 56k votes and a 67% rating. The Fellowship of the Ring has 42k votes and an 87% rating. Yet the former shows up much higher when sorting. Shouldn’t 42k votes be enough that we can be confident it’s an accurate score?



hi, other sections are quite inconsistent in power/abilities, see here: Why do Lists have all the power but our other pages don't?

please can u make eveyrthing consitent? thx!

good idea and think u might be interested in similar issue/topic here: