Additional sort/filter options on watchlist

Just finished burning through a show and am now looking at my Watchlist to figure out what to watch next.

Pretty cool: I can filter out movies, sort by Percentage, filter out Still Airing shows, etc.

Some additional helpful features would be:

  • Sort/filter by IMDB rating (we generally don’t care for anything rated less than 6.0 on there)
    • could have Rotten Tomatoes / Metacritic as well.
  • Sort/filter by typical Episode Length (ignoring the occasional double eps)

Yes and, more sorting options please. Sort results by release year and alpha title (on website and iPhone app). Thanks!

I’d love a “sort by genre” as well when I am in the mood for a certain type of movie/show.


Yes please, sorting by critic score (Rotten Tomatoes or Metacritic) would be so awesome. They just got added to the iOS app, so here is hoping this feature will get some more attention.

Yes, please! Would like to have filters in watchlist by studio and network. Basically, would be great to have filters in the watchlist already available on other pages (like filtering by year, genre, network, etc.)

Also countries and languages would be appreciated


Just remembered - I’ve been dying to have the sorting option in the lists by most watched by other users. When sorting by Popularity, it seems to not take the number of viewers into account.