UI glitch on web app (Chrome)

Hello, I’m having a weird UI glitch on the web app when I open a show. I wanted to click to see the show’s seasons, but I could not do that as the glitch appeared. I recorded a video so you can see it. https://youtu.be/-5grM6ocStM
I searched the forums for a place where bugs are reported, but I did not find it. I hope this is the right way.

Chrome version is Version 87.0.4280.66 (Official Build) (64-bit)

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This has been an issue for a while, it was brought up on the old forums as well…
I found that on desktop zooming out a little sometimes helps. :man_shrugging:

I see what’s happening, but not really why it’s a problem. Because you can see the seasons? You’re scrolling past them. If you mean that menu, yeah… you can click on it and it’ll just anchor the page to the seasons anyway.

I have that same issue sometimes on a small screen.
But the functions I use are on the bottom anyway so they are still accessible if you scroll all the way down :slight_smile:

I mean, yes you could do that, but it’s a glitch and I’m reporting it. If there’s a way to bypass it, it doesn’t mean it’s not a glitch and that it should stay that way. Also I don’t feel like scrolling all the way to the bottom just to click on seasons. I’m sure the UX designers and devs did not imagine it working that way, so it’s a glitch.

Just realized my link to the old forum post was acting up, it is fixed now. :smile: