Watchlist is empty but has items on?

Hi, Anyone is have this and know how to fix this - on my ‘Lists’ page my Watchlist says it has 2 items on it (and there are two blank posters on the list page next to the Watchlist list) but when I go onto the actual Watchlist it has zero (0) items on it. How do I get rid of these 2 ‘ghost’ titles?

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Did you try the “Reset Data” button already?

Otherwise, it might be that the entries were removed from Trakt.
At least that’s what I suspect.

Hi lifeiscrazy, I tried that ‘Reset Data’ in Settings and that hasn’t fixed it. Likely some entries that have now been removed from the Trakt database. I have emailed Trakt Support to see whether they can remove them from my profile in the back-end database.

Thanks for the help :slight_smile:

Might be a stupid suggestion, but can you check if you have some filters applied? It could be that the two items are hidden.

Since there aren’t even posters I doubt that. Unless they’d both be unreleased/upcoming and without a poster.

But you can check it here. It’s convenient that the forum usernames are linked to trakt hehe.