issue with watch list

I am currently having a issue with my watch list.

i deleted everything to clean it shows on one page nothing in there.

When i look at the other page it shows in the items section that there are 8 items in there but no sign else where.

I use radar and sonarr and particularly sonar show adding shows but then hasnt got them when checked.

i did try resetting date etc but to no luck.

Can u help please

Hi Wayne!

I’m not affiliated with Trakt (other than being a VIP user like yourself), but you’ll likely get faster help by creating a support ticket by contacting @support here, or by sending an email directly to

Also, if you are having issues with those third party apps (you mentioned radar and sonarr) then you’ll need to contact those apps support systems.

Good Luck!

hello and thanks. i did contact via email at around midday local time(uk) but no response as of yet.

It’s the weekend (Sunday to be specific) so most likely will not get any official response until a full working day starts. This is a business just like any other, and I know the UK isn’t any different than the US…so give them enough time. There might be some part time moderators on these forums that can try to help, but most people don’t work on the weekends. :wink: :wink:

thanks for the info. wasnt sure how they i been on the site for at least 5 years and aprt from the issue a little while ago that affected everybody i havent had any problems