Personal Notes

I wanted to make a main topic covering Notes throughout Trakt. We’ve have list item notes for a while now, but there have been a lot of feature requests for notes in other areas. This topic will track all the current and planned features around notes and will evolve as I release updates.

Personal notes should be useful to pretty much everyone. You can drop a note to only yourself, track specific editions you’ve watched, any really any info you don’t want to forget about any media item or activity on your account. I’m curious how you’ll use notes, let me know!

Please let me know if I missed any scenarios or you have suggestions!

Notes will be a VIP only feature, except for notes on Favorites, which is available to everyone.


Add favorite notes previously done
Update favorite notes (manage the favorites list) previously done
View favorite notes (user profile, favorites list, dashboard recommendations) previously done

Add list item notes (including watchlist) previously done
Update list item notes (manage the list) previously done
View list item notes previously done

Add media item notes (movies, shows, season, episodes, people) launched Sep 7
Update media item notes launched Sep 7
View media item notes launched Sep 7

Add history, collection, and rating notes launched Sep 14
Update history, collection, and rating notes launched Sep 14
View history, collection, and rating notes launched Sep 14

User page displaying all notes (similar to the comments page) launched Sep 7
Export notes to CSV and RSS launched Sep 14
Include notes in automatic backups launched Sep 14

Official Mobile Apps

Add favorite notes previously done
Update favorite notes iOS launched Dec 20 Android beta Jan 17
View favorite notes (user profile, favorites list) previously done

Add list item notes iOS launched Dec 20 Android beta Jan 17
Update list item notes iOS launched Dec 20 Android beta Jan 17
View list item notes (when viewing a list) previously done

Add media item notes (movies, shows, season, episodes, people) iOS launched Dec 20 Android beta Jan 17
Update media item notes iOS launched Dec 20 Android beta Jan 17
View media item notes iOS launched Dec 20 Android beta Jan 17

Add history, collection, and rating notes iOS launched Dec 20 Android beta Jan 17
Update history, collection, and rating notes iOS launched Dec 20 Android beta Jan 17
View history, collection, and rating notes iOS launched Dec 20 Android beta Jan 17

User page displaying all notes (similar to the comments page) iOS launched Dec 20 Android beta Jan 17

Trakt API

Add favorite notes previously done
Update favorite notes previously done
View favorite notes previously done

Add list item notes (including watchlist) previously done
Update list item notes (manage the list) previously done
View list item notes previously done

Add media item notes (movies, shows, season, episodes, people) launched Sep 14
Update media item notes launched Sep 14
View media item notes launched Sep 14

Add history, collection, and rating notes launched Sep 14
Update history, collection, and rating notes launched Sep 14
View history, collection, and rating notes launched Sep 14

User method returning all notes launched Sep 14


Here’s a sneak peak at media item notes on the website. These notes will always be private to just you.

Add private notes button

Add notes popup (used when adding and updating)

Viewing your private notes on a summary page

Notes icon visible throughout the website


Private notes on media items (movies, shows, season, episodes, and people) were just launched. In addition to seeing the notes on the summary pages and grid view, you can also see all notes in a new profile page –

This feature is very much in BETA and I’m continuing to work on adding notes to activities like your watched history, collection, and ratings. Let me know how it works!


Im using it for preorder items to my collection date When expekting to come/have, purchase prise, etc
And personal rating other then just a Number, like this episod was boring, feels like mass production. Personal views like that, but since its only available on web. I havent made so many Notes yet. :wink:
Best regards from Stockholm, Sweden

I’ve been using it for the things I think while watching, or for some theorizing on what will happen next (specially for weekly shows). I write things that when I read the note I’ll know exactly what episode that was and what it was about.
Also, add quotes I liked.
It is like my personal diary.

Great idea for a feature. I have an overwhelming watchlist and it’ll be good to note down why I added a movie to the list in the first place… on whose recommendation :sweat_smile:

List notes have actually been available for a while, so that will for sure be useful on your Watchlist.

Oh, this is bloody exciting. Great news that dropped just before I got back from two months out of town. Can’t wait to start using this (though I guess not yet on the mobile apps).

Maybe this is thinking ahead too far, but as a user since, what… a decade ago? I am positive that a number of my past public comments contain at least partial content that’s better suited for this feature. Therefore I’m starting to wonder about questions like:

  • Will old comments with private-note-like contents be subject to reporting and (possibly) deletion?
  • Would we get a chance to modify such comments before moderation action is taken? Or might a moderator change the reported comment to a note instead of deleting it?
  • Might there be a way to search our past comments to proactively convert them to notes?

Again, sorry if it’s too soon to think about this stuff. I’m just excited!

Comments like that aren’t really breaking any rules, so it won’t have any different procedure when we moderate them. Your comments page has a search now to help find any past comments. Notes page has a search too.

I will mention your post to our moderator though to keep in mind.

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So it does. I never even tried it, because the tooltip and dialog box talk about filtering by “title”. Figured that would just filter which items (episodes/seasons/movies) would be displayed, rather than searching comment text.

This is great! Already found a couple of my old comments that consisted solely of note-to-self content and moved them into the private notes. Now all the note feature needs is formatting support. :wink:

First post updated. I have all the tasks done for the website and API and am currently testing it out. Plan is to release it soon for all VIPs to continue beta testing.

Here’s the updated notes page, with examples of notes added to individual history, collection, and rating items.

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Launched a bunch of updates today!

  • Private or public notes in user activities (watched history, collection, ratings)
  • Dedicated notes page under your profile with type filtering and search
  • Notes support markdown like comments do
  • Trakt API has all corresponding functionality for 3rd party apps to use (VIP only)

The official Trakt apps for iOS and Android will support notes in a release this fall.


I am really excited to When they Will ad it to apps. Just cant wait :wink:
So you can write them both public and private, and choose what language you use instead of comments that has to be written in english. Public Notes in like swelish (Swedish/english) are intended for that Speaking users only.
Best regards from steffe73 Stockholm, Sweden

This is brilliant, I particularly like that movie notes appear as an icon on the movie cards wherever you see them, that’s super handy. Great job!

It is working great for me, and I personally love this feature.

Question/suggestion though, whether a note be in the collection, history, or ratings page etc… should all of the notes for that item show up on the show/movie page?

For example if I want to see if a specific film is in my collection, I am going to go to that film’s page not to the collection. Unless I am just browsing my collection, history, or ratings page etc…having relevant notes shown on the items page would be desired.

Also a visible edit button instead of just a tooltip on the private notes section may help to make it more intuitive and more in line with the rest of the site.

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I have several tasks to still look into for notes. For example, when you check in we can ask to save your message as a note on the watched history item. Or when adding collection metadata, we can ask for a note right there. Stuff like that.

This was on my list to look into. Since collection and ratings are 1:1 that seems pretty straightforward. My initial thought is a note badge over the button. Watched history notes can be assigned to multiple plays so not sure how to handle that one yet.

This seems like a good idea too.

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Noticed today that basic formatting (e.g. italics) now renders in notes. *chef’s kiss* I love it!

Only other sharp edge I’ve encountered so far is a silent length limit (which is much shorter than for comments, if comments even have one). Note text that’s too long is just truncated on save with no warning.

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Yes, it has full markdown support in notes now. Still need to adjust some of the styles in the tooltip.

The limit is 500 characters, sounds like there might be a bug with the text field not enforcing that. I could increase the limit, but it was chosen to keep the tooltip length ok.

Hi Justin, thanks for adding this feature. You implement it really great. I wanted this feature for such a long time, so really thanks.
But I want also point it out - the limit. Could it be increased? I have a little problem to write my points or opinion about some movie (to talk about it in next weeks with my friends and remember all the points I had) in just 500 characters. Also I constantly need to copy my text, before I hit save, so when it delete all the text after 500. character I could go and edit it so I include the most important stuff.

It would be awesome to have some sort of notification or UI element like: Remain 5/500 characters. (Green/Red).