This would be a great feature. I have a list of episodes I plan on watching each week that I update accordingly and it’s a real hassle adding all these episodes from various shows manually. Maybe this can be worked into seasons’ “add to list” sidebar?
I would love this feature. It takes so long to manually add all of the episodes. One button to do it all would make my life so much easier.
We don’t have this to cut down on making large lists with just a ton of episodes. We actually have this problem with adding a full show as watched, and didn’t want to bring that problem over to lists. For example, if you indicate you watched Jeopardy that adds 8,000 individual episodes to your watched history.
Can you explain what you’re trying to do in more detail? Maybe I’ll have some other ideas.
So basically I have a list for the stuff I plan to watch during whatever week/month/whatever it is. I add all the episodes from seasons I have my sights set on completing just for personal use, episodes which I then delete off the list when I’ve watched them. It’s not a super long list, but I would like a more convenient way to add all episodes of a season to a list to circumvent having to add them all manually/one-by-one.
Thanks for the info. I’ll have to think about this more, but we most likely won’t add a way to do this. When it is too simple with 1 click, it unfortunately means people will abuse it and add a ton of episodes to lists that don’t really need it.
Bumping this topic.
I want this feature so I can have a closer way to follow along with my progress with a franchise. I found an existing list with all Star Trek episodes and I want to make one for other franchises I’m interested in.
Not just franchises, but history too. For example, it would be cool to make lists of NBCs Must See TV lineups and sort it by airing order and follow along with that.
I understand the strain on the site. Is the problem the mere existence of these large lists or the creation where you need to add a large amount to the list? Either way I’d be ok with some kind of limitation in place.