I want to be able to update settings in an existing filter rather than have a new filter get created every time.
Welcome back to the forums @matt-n , Which filters do you mean? I’m trying to look.
I mean the filter configurations you can save on a page like Trending movies - Trakt. I can’t see a way to change filters within the configuration and save it to that same configuration. It asks me to name my filter and then creates a new one.
There should be Save and Save As New buttons or something.
I think that’s already default behaviour, it’s actually not possible to save as new.
When I click on one of my set filters, it right away has an option to edit filters:
After editing and saving it’s saved in the current filter.
But if you then want to edit again, you have to select your custom filter again, otherwise it’ll just think you want to make a new filter.
// EDIT:
Oh I see what you mean, the edited filter doesn’t actually stay saved. BUT If you then click Save filters, and use the exact same name, it’ll overwrite the filter. So I guess that works actually
And if you wanna use that filter as the base of a new filter, you just give it a new name
I’m not seeing the behavior you’re describing. If I click a filter, choose Edit Filters, click Apply Filters (which then turns into Save Filter, which I click as well), it still creates a new one even if I give it the same name as the old filter.
Heh that’s odd!
Hope Justin can shed shed some light on intended behavior after the holidays.