Is there a way to add a scroll feature to the filter menu

When you open the Calendar and you want to filter for specific genres or streaming services, you have to scroll to the end of the month to get to bottom of the filters to click the apply button. I was wondering if there was a way to have the scroll move over to the filter section once you click the filters, because sometimes there are hundreds of TV shows to scroll through.

And I know, I have now learned to just hit the “end” button on my keyboard, but I still prefer using my mouse. :slight_smile:

1 year no response…cool
btw, have the same issue on all movies and tv shows, If I want to click TMDB, or IMDB I have to scroll past seasons, comments, and “similar movies/shows” just to scroll the left side of the page.

Just another reason (not moving away from using TMDB, which has let it’s mods completely destroy it) I will not be renewing VIP anymore, and have also spread the word that Trakt is outdated and not responsive to support like it used to.

Not sure how taking VIP money to change stuff that doesn’t need it like the logo and colors instead of spending it on broken things is very smart.

FYI: I’m switching over to SIMKL, they respond within hours and will edit things TMDB refuses to if you can provide a website with the info. And all from DISCORD not spending more money on a completely separate website and database.

The apply button is fixed to the bottom of the advanced filters and doesn’t require scrolling. This change was made several months ago.

That is fine if you’re leaving for another service. However, there is no need to post the same response in every thread you’ve started.


Just saw the fix, appreciate that. However, the other issue of what I said is still an issue

And I was just more peeved there wasn’t a reply in over a year than checking that I guess.