Add Ratings To Downloads

I have a number of lists of different category films that are possible future watching material. It would be great to be able to select them to watch in some sort of “logical” order, which ideally would be by ratings.

When looking at an individual film I can see the ratings from viewers (75% 2 votes), IMDb (6.3 196) and TMDB (6.5 3) as seen below.

Is it possible that this information can be added to the download option (.csv)?

@justin I am sure you are busy and have a lot to look at but wonder if you might have missed this as normally your responses are very quick.

I should be able to add that to the CSV. I also have a task to allow sorting by the different ratings from the website, which I assume would be even better?

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Great, thank you. Look forward to trying it.

@justin Another thought of something to add to the csv. Language would be useful if possible.

List pages are updated with sorting by ratings from Trakt, IMDB, TMDB, and Rotten Tomatoes. I think this will be super useful. Here’s your watchlist sorted by IMDB rating for example.

I’ve had a quick look on my phone, looks good, but I’ll have a better look and play tomorrow on the PC.
You are a legend sir.
Thank you.

@justin I’ve had a play on the PC and looks great on the website, thank you.
Pushing my luck but any idea when you might get these added to the csv?

As an aside, why when you sort on for example “runtime” on the PC and then do a download, it loads in “rank” order and not as selected on the website, “runtime”?

Bump (sorry for my impatience)
@justin “I should be able to add that to the CSV” Do you know when please?
Also a request that might have got lost in the thread “Language would be useful to add to the .csv if possible.”

I’ll have an update out tomorrow that adds all ratings, country, and language to the list csv file.

@justin top man, thank you very much.

Just managed to get on the PC and try the downloads with the added languages and ratings.

Great stuff, this will help me out immensely.

Thank you very much.